Aesthetic Dentistry – Hands-on course and Live Patient Demonstration, Testimonial

Biomimetic Dentistry and Aesthetic Dentistry courses in Sardinia, Italy: Literature Review, Hands-on course and Live Patient Demonstration, Testimonial Are you ready to become a master of direct restorations? Dr Deliperi demonstrates the stress-reducing protocol for structurally compromised anterior and posterior teeth. Attendees observe a step-by-step technique while the master either works on his patients or replicate some clinical cases shown through both slide and video presentations. An intense literature review is also provided during the 4-day course. This is a unique opportunity to review with the author different clinical papers Dr Deliperi has published over the years. You become familiar with the 6-step protocol (Deliperi. Operative Dentistry Journal 2012) which is the foundation for the clinical success in the restoration of both vital and devital teeth either in the anterior or posterior area.
